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Camping, Collecting things, Hiking, Eating, Playing an instrument, Playing sports, Photography, Listening to music, Keeping pets, Taking care of animals, Taking care of people, Visiting with friends, Watching TV or movies, Working out/exercising, Cooking




Relationship Status

Committed couple





Raised Catholic but not actively practicing

Type of Home


Type of neighbourhood



First Name


Last Name


United States


Eye Color


Hair Color

Dark Brown




Graduate degree






Social drinker


Camping, Collecting things, Hiking, Eating, Playing an instrument, Playing sports, Photography, Listening to music, Keeping pets, Taking care of animals, Taking care of people, Visiting with friends, Watching TV or movies, Working out/exercising, Cooking





Do you have kids?


How many kids do you have?

None of my own, partner has 2


How old are they?

13 and 14

Do they live with you?


Tell us about your children. What do they like to do for fun?

I do not have my own. I recently finished my own IUI/IVF journey without success. I had to change doctors because the original Dr. did not diagnose me with endometriosis so the 3 IUIs were unsuccessful due to this. I then had to have emergency surgery with fallopian tube removal which forced me in to doing IVF if I wanted my own child. My endometriosis got in the way of that with some eggs and some cysts at retrieval time. My clinic genetically tests them all so each retrieval I had 9-12 eggs but some did not make it to blastocyte stage, or if they did, all but ONE embryo was genetically abnormal. I had 3 cycles of IVF and only one embryo ever implanted.

I have a furchild, his name is Theo. I adopted him from a local rescue. He is a ham and acts like a human boy reincarnated in to a dog.

My partners kids and I are very close. Currently I am living at my own home but stay at my partners often with them. L is 13 and he enjoys video games and flag football. He can be both hyper and shy. He enjoys wearing black and white and wears shorts year round. L is 14 and enjoys fashion and self care. She is always up to date on the current trends. She is on the track team. She is thoughtful and caring and puts others first.







Resident Country

United States


Eye Color


Hair Color

Dark Brown






Graduate degree


Camping, Collecting things, Hiking, Eating, Playing an instrument, Playing sports, Photography, Listening to music, Keeping pets, Taking care of animals, Taking care of people, Visiting with friends, Watching TV or movies, Working out/exercising, Cooking


Raised Catholic but not actively practicing




I am a Specialty Occupational Therapist at a Level 1 stroke and trauma center. I specialize in neurological impairments/diagnoses. I did a 3rd fieldwork in pediatrics but I work with adults 15-100+

Type of home


Type of Neighbourhood

I am a Specialty Occupational Therapist at a Level 1 stroke and trauma center. I specialize in neurological impairments/diagnoses. I did a 3rd fieldwork in pediatrics but I work with adults 15-100+



Resident Country


Eye Color

Hair Color







Type of Home

Type of Neighbourhood

I am a Specialty Occupational Therapist at a Level 1 stroke and trauma center. I specialize in neurological impairments/diagnoses. I did a 3rd fieldwork in pediatrics but I work with adults 15-100+




Tom Hanks and Betty White-He's in a variety of movies including one of my favorites "A League Of Our Own" and she was just amazing in her movies and one of my favorite sitcoms "The Golden Girls"

Animal or Pet

Dogs in general as pets but elephants as they are symbolic to family, loyalty, security, and have great memories, and were my deceased Aunts favorite, I have an elephant tattoo on my wrist and a collection of elephants in my home.


I dont read a lot but when I do, I like true crime or biographies

Bedtime story

The Big Blue Truck as it is a popular book with many, including my niece who is now 5 (IVF baby) and I can imagine her mannerisms and hand movements as she reads it out loud or listens to me read it out loud

Beverage / Drink

Sparkling Water (usually Kirkland/Costco brand)


Dr. Seuss "Oh, the Places You'll Go" as it was given to myself and my siblings by my parents at HS graduation

Candy Bar

100 Grand, Skittles!

Childhood Memory

There are so many, but I liked that my Mom was my soccer ball girl on the sidelines each year. I also liked being forced in to the house at dark because I was an outside girl, playing sports in the grass, riding my bike with my siblings or friends, in the woods by the creek/spring, or in the snow. I was taught to ski at 2yo by my father so every weekend in the winter until I was 16, we skiied. We would drive to my grandmothers house Friday night, ski Saturday, go to Catholic church Saturday night, ski Sunday, then head home, eat dinner, do homework, and go to school Monday morning.


Blue (Navy)


Cookies over pie or cake

Disney Movie

Old school would be Beauty and the Beast. Newer would be Toy Story because my nickname is Woodie



Family Activity

Currently-traveling and exploring the National Parks with my partner and her 2 children, 20 family members camping on Memorial Day weekend, skiing, paddleboarding


If I were to eat at one it would be Wendys for their square burgers and good fries


Sunflower or Hibiscus (i have 2 bushes on my property)


Blueberries or Strawberries


No Data

No Data


DIY projects at home since hiring is expensive, for fun though Id say hiking, rollerblading, going to antique stores


No Data

No Data


Christmas because it is my Mom's favorite and the traditions around it are special to me including my Mother hiding a small bear each year for the 4 siblings to find, we are all 36yo or older and still do it to this day. My house is also perfectly decorated with many ornaments from all eras of my life, they all have special meaning, and I usually cry remembering things about each ornament (homemade from a deceased grandmother/family member, etc)


"Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root. Loved it since college, saw them live in college, and it has great meaning behind it

Sport to play

Basketball, Softball, or Soccer- I played all three all my life and was 1st team in them all


Sport to watch

No Data

No Data

Sport to watch


Christmas with my family. Annual trips to Cape Cod with family

Christmas with my family. Annual trips to Cape Cod with family

Things to cook

I like trying new things or fun recipes

TV show

I commit to Big Brother when it is on, it is rare I watch live TV, usually recorded.


I usually wont change the channel if Dirty Dancing or Top Gun are on, but I watch many genres just not a lot of sci fi.




Tom Hanks and Betty White-He's in a variety of movies including one of my favorites "A League Of Our Own" and she was just amazing in her movies and one of my favorite sitcoms "The Golden Girls"


Dogs in general as pets but elephants as they are symbolic to family, loyalty, security, and have great memories, and were my deceased Aunts favorite, I have an elephant tattoo on my wrist and a collection of elephants in my home.


I dont read a lot but when I do, I like true crime or biographies

Bedtime story

The Big Blue Truck as it is a popular book with many, including my niece who is now 5 (IVF baby) and I can imagine her mannerisms and hand movements as she reads it out loud or listens to me read it out loud

Beverage / Drink

Sparkling Water (usually Kirkland/Costco brand)


Dr. Seuss "Oh, the Places You'll Go" as it was given to myself and my siblings by my parents at HS graduation

Candy Bar

100 Grand, Skittles!

Childhood Memory

There are so many, but I liked that my Mom was my soccer ball girl on the sidelines each year. I also liked being forced in to the house at dark because I was an outside girl, playing sports in the grass, riding my bike with my siblings or friends, in the woods by the creek/spring, or in the snow. I was taught to ski at 2yo by my father so every weekend in the winter until I was 16, we skiied. We would drive to my grandmothers house Friday night, ski Saturday, go to Catholic church Saturday night, ski Sunday, then head home, eat dinner, do homework, and go to school Monday morning.


Blue (Navy)


Cookies over pie or cake

Disney Movie

Old school would be Beauty and the Beast. Newer would be Toy Story because my nickname is Woodie

Dream Car

Dream Job

Dream Vacation

Anywhere in the woods under the trees with mountains

Family Activity

Currently-traveling and exploring the National Parks with my partner and her 2 children, 20 family members camping on Memorial Day weekend, skiing, paddleboarding


If I were to eat at one it would be Wendys for their square burgers and good fries


Sunflower or Hibiscus (i have 2 bushes on my property)


Blueberries or Strawberries


DIY projects at home since hiring is expensive, for fun though Id say hiking, rollerblading, going to antique stores


Christmas because it is my Mom's favorite and the traditions around it are special to me including my Mother hiding a small bear each year for the 4 siblings to find, we are all 36yo or older and still do it to this day. My house is also perfectly decorated with many ornaments from all eras of my life, they all have special meaning, and I usually cry remembering things about each ornament (homemade from a deceased grandmother/family member, etc)


"Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root. Loved it since college, saw them live in college, and it has great meaning behind it

Sport to play

Basketball, Softball, or Soccer- I played all three all my life and was 1st team in them all

sport to Watch

Things to cook:

I like trying new things or fun recipes

Favorite Traditions

Christmas with my family. Annual trips to Cape Cod with family

TV show

I commit to Big Brother when it is on, it is rare I watch live TV, usually recorded.


I usually wont change the channel if Dirty Dancing or Top Gun are on, but I watch many genres just not a lot of sci fi.




Bedtime story

Beverage / Drink


Candy Bar

Childhood Memory



Disney Movie

Dream Car

Dream Job

Dream Vacation

Family Activity







Sport to play

sport to Watch

Things to cook:

Favorite Traditions

TV show



When I was younger, I thought I was able to mold my life exactly how I wanted it to be. Get an education. Get a good job. Find one soulmate without dealing with the frogs. Get the house “with the dog, and the white picket fence...” Most importantly to me, have the ability to have children. I didn't always see myself as a mother when I was younger, but for the past several years, it was my goal since at least 2014. I started my fertility journey in 2019, then had a break up and the Covid pandemic began. I poured myself in to helping at the hospital I work at, pulling overtime shifts to help with "all hands on deck," doing things an Occupational Therapist should not have to do, including restarting IVs, being the only one in the room as a patient passed away so they would not be alone, and wrapping up the deceased who died from Covid. .After I felt like I was in a good place mentally and emotionally after my break up and the stresses of Covid, friends around me losing their jobs, etc, I decided to focus on my pregnancy journey again in Jan 2021. I went with a doctor that a couple of friends had success with, and he was one of the cheaper clinics. After 3 failed IUIs, I wanted to know why, and he didn't have any answers except "it must be you." At this time, I was having significant abdominal pain and I nearly passed out on a beach on a family vacation, ended up getting a fever and became tachycardic. When questioning him, he said it was a GI issue. I knew it was a gynocological issue but went through an unnessessry colonoscopy that I had to pay for out of pocket, which came back normal and clean. At this time, I had lost trust in this doctor and moved to my current clinic in August 2021. That doctor looked at imaging the previous doctor did in 2019 (my HSG) and did NOT repeat prior to starting fertility treatment again in 2021. He said the HSG in 2019 was normal which was false. My new doctor looked at it and said back then it was dialated aka endometriosis was present and now in August 2022 it is even more dialated and severe. This prompted an emergency surgery where I had several endometriomas and endometriosis removed, including, unfortunately, my fallopian tubes (salpingectomy). I started my IVF cycles in Jan 2023 and had a total of 3. Out of the 3 cycles, either my eggs did not make it to the blastocyte phase (my clinic is a frozen clinic) or they were genetically abnormal. On average I got 9-13 eggs each retrieval but unfortunately due to my endometriosis, often the "eggs" in one ovary turned out to be cysts or endometriomas. I only got one genetically normal embryo and only one chance at pregnancy. It was negative. I decided that 3 cycles was my limit due to emotional and financial strain. It seemed silly to keep pouring money and emotions in to something that kept giving me similar results at $20,000 a cycle. My company does not cover fertility services so my fertility journey was 100% paid for by me, totalling more than $75,000 when you account for procedures, sperm donor purchase and medications per cycle. I tried getting grants but was "over income" or just not chosen.


I have since completed weekly counseling to grieve this process. I still have a strong desire to be a mother, so I met with a foster and adoption company and realized I am not cut out for fostering. Though I am very empathetic and caring and know I can give a child a good/better life, having to drive the child to weekly supervised visits with a parent that may or may not "deserve" the child, and possibly giving back a child I may have bonded with for 2-3 (or more) years is not something I can handle emotionally. I have a lot of friends who have been through IVF/infertility struggles and I was told about embryo adoption. Part of wanting to be a mother was to bond with a baby and feel all the things, good and bad, with being pregnant. What I wouldn't do to feel morning sickness or for a baby to kick while inside me. This is why I met with embryo adoption companies and ultimately went with Embryo Solution.


I have been with my partner, L for more than 3 years. Though we spend a lot of time together, I still have my own house and she has hers so I commute between both at this time, it is about 25 minutes each way. The plan has always been to move in together when the time is right. If I am to get pregnant, this would occur then. She has a 13 yo boy, and a 14 yo girl. We are all very close.

.I have a dog named Theo who is a mixed breed terrier, and she has two dogs, a goldendoodle named Gracie and a dacshund mix named Presley. All three were rescued as we believe in the "Adopt dont shop" theory. We just recently adopted a 4th dog, a puppy named Sadie.


We parent together and the kids respect me but we do not use labels such as "stepkids" or "stepmom." L and I raise the children to be true to themselves and be honest with no secrets, and no topic is off limits to discuss. We believe that if this is how the children are raised, they will come to us with anything from a bully at school, or boyfriend/girlfriend talk, etc. We value quality time together more than materialistic things, and take a lot of trips. This past year we went up north a couple of hours to hike, stay in an A frame cabin in the woods, fish and paddleboard. We also went to all of the Utah National Parks, Yosemite, and took them out of the country for the first time ever, to Mexico to a beach resort. We went on a family camping trip with 20 members of L family which included paddleboarding, fishing, kayaking, and teaching the kids responsibilities of setting up a tent, packing their own bags, safely using camping equipment, etc. We all enjoy the outdoors whether it is hiking, walking the dogs, playing, swimming, camping, paddleboarding and sometimes running. L family are all within 30 minutes of each other including her 3 siblings and their spouses, multiple cousins, and her parents. They are a great support to us and are very close. I know they would assist as needed and love a baby of mine as their own. My family lives on the east coast but would also assist, travel, etc. Our plan is to move closer to my family in the next 5 years.


I was raised in the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate NY by my two parents. My mom is an RN and worked in the Emergency Room for 40 years. My dad worked for Xerox and both are now retired. I am the 3rd of 4 siblings. My sister, M is the oldest, she is a graduate admissions counselor at a university. My older brother, B is a Pharmacist. My younger brother, T, works in the town I was raised and currently lives with my parents. We are all close, have a group message between the 6 of us daily, and get together for an annual family trip in the summer to Cape Cod, and definitely for Christmas. As I live out of state now, I see them 2-3 times a year. My plan is to move back east within 5-6 years to be closer to my family, but my partners kids need to be 18 before we do that.


My parents raised us semi strictly, with rules and bedtimes and respect for your parents. We did not really have any chores as my mother actually enjoys cleaning, washing the floor on her hands and knees, and making sure the vacuum lines were perfect. We did help out a lot around the house as needed, however, including bringing in wood by the armful in the winter or shoveling the sidewalks. My parents raised us with good morals and values including if you want something, earn it, it will not be handed to you. I believe that parents are to be parents, not your best friend, though you can be friendly and close to your kids. I followed in my siblings footsteps to be involved in as much as I could at school. I played the only three sports offered in my small school to girls and that was soccer, basketball and softball. I got MVP, sportmanship and first team in all of them. I was president of the National Honor Society, I was a governing member of the Student Government. I was the editor of the yearbook, a member of the french club, and other things. I played the trumpet from 4th grade until senior year and still own it to this day. I was fortunate that back when I went to school, the instruments were given to me for free. My school was odd because the athletes WERE the bandmembers, there was no differentiation.


It was known that growing up during Christmas, that at a certain age, you would get something, so then you would not ask for it until that age. For example, and I am definitely aging myself here, but, I was 14 when I got a CD player boombox, but I was not getting that leather jacket until I was 15. We have a family tradition that at Christmas, my mother hides a small bear from an old Avon Xmas ornament and to this day, even though we are 36yo and older, we still race to look for it. We have always gone around from oldest to youngest, opening presents, one by one, to give respect and attention to the person opening the presents, and to my parents for spending all the time and money on them. Usually my mother has a story for each present and why/when she bought it. Until my grandmother passed away, my extended family would get together at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have had a lot of loss in my time on earth as many people do. I never knew my grandfathers as my Mom's dad died when she was 14, making her have to grow up quickly and help her Mom, then a single mother of 4 girls. My dad's father died when I was 1 or 2. My grandmothers passed away in the last 10 years. My mom's sister, P, died of alcohol related illness. I only have a few cousins as my extended family is small, including twin cousins on my father's side. I have a lot of talent in my family from caning chairs to woodworking, carpentry, knitting, needlework, etc.


My mo