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75% of couples cannot afford IVF!
Embryo adoption is an affordable family-building option! 

A recent survey found that less than 50% of women struggling with fertility issues had never spoken with a doctor, and a whopping 81% had never received any treatment to find an infertility solution. (Greil AL, et al., A new way to estimate the potential unmet need for infertility services among women in the United States. J Women's Health 2016; 25:133-8.)
Another recent analysis estimated that only 24% of the demand for fertility services was met in the US, the lowest among developed countries. The high cost of treatment, in combination with the lack of health insurance coverage, is believed to be the reason for the low rate of utilization of fertility treatments in the US. (Chambers GM, et al., The economic impact of assisted reproductive technology: a review of selected developed countries. Fertil Steril. 2009 Jun;91(6):2281-94).

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